Happy thoughts!

by | 2008 | Real Stories

I dd found out about this site since i was interested on how and what to do when i get pregnant!  since im not so hundred percent sure that i was pregnant i can't really tell the feeling of becoming pregnant and becoming a mommy soon! i just wanna know what the other would tell […]

I dd found out about this site since i was interested on how and what to do when i get pregnant!  since im not so hundred percent sure that i was pregnant i can't really tell the feeling of becoming pregnant and becoming a mommy soon! i just wanna know what the other would tell when they become one of the many mommy's out there!

 When i was reading some stories here in standupgilr site, i was so disappointed on the number of the teenager/young pregnant women who tried or stick into their mind to abort the baby, not to mention the MOTHER's who tollerate/FORCED their daughter's to do the abortion.

i've been having the symptoms of a pregnant women…. i vomit, i can't sleep easily eventhough i really want to sleep always that i wasnt been before. I do ussually cramp for foods but i really notice some differences lately especially on the amount i eat. Many nigts i cried since i dont feeling well thinking that it was so hard to feel this way (i wasnt still sure if im pregnant). the reason that i dont still want to know the truth is that "i dont want to know that im not pregnant (if im not really pregnant), i dont know what to do if im not pregnant! ive/we've been married for almost 2 years (june 28, 2008) and im not getting younger anymore that is why i/we are hoping that there will be baby soon!

i dont want to be disappointed when i know i wasnt pregnant…

i dont know what to fell if i confirm that im pregnant!

i really wann feel the happiness that u feel!


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