She Filled Me With Strength

by | 2009 | Dear Becky

Hi my name is Caroline and I got pregnant at the age of 14. I could not believe it when I did the pregnancy test – nothing felt real. I really did not know what to do. I did not have a great relationship with my mum and the father was long gone so I […]
StandUpGirl two women laugh together

StandUpGirl two women laugh together

Hi my name is Caroline and I got pregnant at the age of 14. I could not believe it when I did the pregnancy test – nothing felt real. I really did not know what to do. I did not have a great relationship with my mum and the father was long gone so I spoke to my sister who was very supportive.

I went through the usual options and decided to keep my baby. At 15 I had a beautiful baby girl. it was very difficult being a mum when I was only a child and I had alot of issues going on at the time. My mum looked after my daughter for about a month because I felt I was not good enough but being without her depressed me so I got my daughter and we moved into a bed and breakfast. Well I made mistakes along the way and you learn very quickly to grow up and become responsible.

I wish there was alot more help out there for me I felt so alone at times. But when I was at my lowest I would gaze into her eyes and it filled me with strength. She kept me going because she needed me. I am now 34 and my daughter is nearly 19 we have a wonderful relationship and she has brought me so much joy. She is in her 3rd year at college studying performing arts and I am a full time carer, which she helps me with. I am so proud of her and she praises me for boing such a good job and loves the fact that im a young mum.

I’m so glad I chose to keep my baby. I think that if you are going to be a young mum then the first thing is to accept its not going to be easy and secondly accept any help you can get. There is no room to feel to proud. If anybody wants to ask me anything please feel free and I wish you all good luck.

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