I’m 18 and I’m 21 weeks pregnant and very happy that I’m able to actually have kids… I’m starting to feel Him/Her move and starting to feel more pregnant now. I’m overweight…as I have been my whole life. Sooo when I was told I was pregnant, it took me awhile to actually believe that I was pregnant because I didn’t “feel” pregnant. But now only when I lay down, I have no problem feeling the baby..=) I’M SOOO HAPPY about that.
One other thing that’s not soo good is that I smoke cigarettes. Which I already know is VERY bad but I was smoking before I got pregnant and am having a very VERY hard time quitting. The minute I feel stress coming on, I smoke a cigarette. And every pregnant female knows we stress out Very easily… Is there anyone else that is having this problem? Does this mean that i don’t love my baby if I don’t have the strength to quit smoking for my unborn child?
What’s wrong with me?