Me and my boyfriend are deep in love. We live together in his parents’ house and he is everything to me. He treats me like a princess and never turns his back on me.
We were very intimate and I decided to make an appointment and go on birth control and went with the Depo Shot. I had asked my doctor a lot of questions and made sure it worked immediately… She told me yes. And I trusted her. I was excited and was so positive that I was safe and couldn’t get pregnant. The Depo drove me crazy and moody. I didn’t get my period for a whole month and then I had it for a whole month. very light. And then it stopped. I was glad and relieved. It had made me so emotional and I would flip out on anyone. 3 months later, I went for my second shot. Confident. My doctor gave me my shot and sent me on my way. And I had noticed she didn’t even do a urine test before to make sure I wasn’t pregnant.
That same day, five hours later, I began feeling intense pain like menstrual cramps but these were different, like much deeper. And I began throwing up everything and the pain was on and off but so bad that I could not sit or stand and it went down to my legs and hips. I didn’t know what was going on, but I did my best to deal with it. Two days later, I began losing a lot of weight and couldn’t eat or drink nothing so I went to the hospital. And in the meantime, I had been wondering for weeks if I was pregnant. My breast had become very full and hard and sore. My sense of smell was so sensitive and the smell of smoke would make me sick. And I remember getting painful cramps when I was at work that would last for a minute then disappear then come back. And I had the idea I was pregnant but was in doubt that I was because I was on birth control. But I had dreams and images of a baby. A baby that I would see deep inside me. And I could see myself holding onto it and crying, but something kept taking it away from me, and it was gone. I would wake up looking for it and tear. And I thought it was just a phase. I talked to my boyfriend about it. And we took a pregnancy test, and to our surprise, it was negative… Then the week after, I had my second Depo shot.
At the hospital, they ran a test on me, and placed me on I.V. They check my blood and Urine. Three hours later, A doctor and a nurse closed the curtains looking serious and told me they had news. I looked at them with such curiosity, like what could it be… “You are pregnant..” And my face went blank. I shook my head in disbelief and just couldn’t believe it. I began questioning and denying it. I had took a test a week ago, it was negative and I was on birth control. How could this be? Me? Pregnant? I couldn’t be? No way? All of it ran through my head.
I was Pregnant.