Dear My Baby Angel
Dear my little sugarplum. Mummy and Daddy still miss you, baby. We love you so much, no one will ever take your place. It’s mummy’s 17th next month. I’m getting a tattoo- for you. So you will forever be with me. If you could see it when it’s done, I think you’d like it. I […]

Dear my little sugarplum.

Mummy and Daddy still miss you, baby. We love you so much, no one will ever take your place.

It’s mummy’s 17th next month. I’m getting a tattoo- for you. So you will forever be with me. If you could see it when it’s done, I think you’d like it. I have drawn it out and everything. Daddy likes it 🙂

Mummy is struggling a lot with everything lately, but I try to carry on- I like to think you are watching me sometimes so I want to make you proud. Baby- I never stop thinking about it. Not even for one second! Like I said in my last letter, you will always be Mummy and Daddy’s little baby, our first child!

I love you so much baby! forever and always.

Mummy and Daddy


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