could i?

by | 2009 | Real Stories

My period is one week late and I am concerned about pregnancy. I'm tired, have nausea, swollen breasts, and "super senses" (smell and taste). I have also experienced cramping and emotional mood swings (crying jags, but for the most part feel strangely "calm&quot ;). I have tried two different types of home pregnancy tests ("Answer" […]

My period is one week late and I am concerned about pregnancy. I'm tired, have nausea, swollen breasts, and "super senses" (smell and taste). I have also experienced cramping and emotional mood swings (crying jags, but for the most part feel strangely "calm&quot ;). I have tried two different types of home pregnancy tests ("Answer" and "EPT") and both are negative. Is it possible to still be pregnant?

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