Christmas After The Choice

by | 2010 | Sisters Column

It’s that time of year again. But as the whole world seems to be dizzy with decorating, spending and cooking up a storm, there are others who aren’t catching onto the festive spirit. Some are holding themselves back from all the joy floating around in the air. A deep tingling in the hearts of all […]
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It’s that time of year again. But as the whole world seems to be dizzy with decorating, spending and cooking up a storm, there are others who aren’t catching onto the festive spirit. Some are holding themselves back from all the joy floating around in the air. A deep tingling in the hearts of all people, fulfilling a long ago uttered prophecy by the angels to some shepherds during the first noel “On earth, peace and goodwill to all people.”

It seems like the season for dreaming, and hoping, whether it’s for a new pair of stilettos or for an opportunity to mend bridges with family and friends. Maybe the reason why everything seems possible around Christmas is because no matter who we are- or what we believe- the idea that God came down to earth as a little baby for you and me makes anything else possible.

And yet as the whole world seems to be dizzy with decorating, spending and cooking up a storm, there are others who aren’t catching onto the festive spirit.  Some are holding themselves back from all the joy floating around in the air – women who feel isolated from the holiday bliss because of an abortion.

As a moderator, I find the “After the choice” forum most heartbreaking to moderate. For so many, their choice has betrayed them, and they desperately wish they could turn back the clock and undo everything.

To so many hurting girls out there, struggling with the guilt and depression of termination, the most wonderful part of Christmas can become a source of shame and hurt. I can only imagine how they feel when they walk past a nativity scene with that perfect baby Jesus and his loving mother. Or, when mourning an aborted child, they go to a Christmas party only to be greeted by friends and relatives showing off growing bumps or new babies.  They feel unworthy of God’s love and sacrifice – maybe more acutely than they would at any other time. And instead of the festive season being all the wonderful things it used to be in the past, it hurts.

If you are one of these girls, I want you to know that when God sent his son to be born on earth, it was because he desired to be close to us, no matter how imperfect and flawed we were. He still took the first step towards drawing close to us. And he is the same today. Christmas isn’t the time for you to withdraw into yourself because of shame and hurt. It’s the time to reach out for him. He knows you’re hurting and he doesn’t hate you, he isn’t rejecting you – he is longing to draw near and comfort you. He has even recorded all your tears, because it hurts him when you hurt. You can’t mend your broken heart, but he can. After all, he made your heart.

If you try to carry this burden on your own, it will kill you slowly on the inside. I know it may seem like you can never forgive yourself for what you went through, but if you take the time to let God hold you close in His arms and in His tender, loving forgiveness- there will come a day when you will forgive yourself.

This festive season, accept the gift of His love and forgiveness… You have nothing to lose.  And talk to someone else about your pain, too.  Send Becky a letter, and she or one of us will help you through this.  You don’t have to be alone.

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