“Duck Dynasty’s Robertson in what appears to be a religious sermon – declares his pro-life stance on the issue of abortion. When discussing the ethics of, and that there’s a debate on the issue, he asks, “What in the world happened to us?.” #duckdynasty #philrobertson
Phil Robertson | Duck Dynasty
“Sorbo recently tweeted his support for the new Gosnell Movie that will profile the gruesome late-term abortion practitioner. This is something that my wife and I are behind because we believe in this project. It’s long overdue for this story to be told, it wasn’t covered by the media nearly as much as other murder cases were.” #KevinSorbo
Kevin Sorbo | Actor
“God is the only one who knows how many children we should have, and we should be ready to accept them. One can’t decide for oneself who comes into this world and who doesn’t. That decision doesn’t belong to us.” #melgibson
Mel Gibson | Actor/Director
“Every 36 seconds in America a women lays her body down, forced to choose abortion out of a lack of practical resources and emotional support. Abortion is a reflection that society has failed women.” #patriciaheaton
Patricia Heaton | Actress

“I was told it was a lose-lose situation and would kill my business to pronounce I am Pro-Life. But I thought if I did this maybe one woman watching wouldn’t kill her baby. We need to support these women who are in a crisis
pregnancy… I have no choice but to defend the most vulnerable among us.”
Kathy Ireland | Supermodel