My Lil Liam x
x Love You x
His First Cheeky Smile!
x Love You x
His First Cheeky Smile!
I’ve learned from it and that I would not have learned anything unless I had had the abortion.
No, I’m not justifying it to myself or anyone else… I’ve just learned so much about myself, my life, and the resilience of the human spirit…Life seems to throw us so many curve balls and sometimes, we’re just not that good at catching them. These last two and a half years have been one huge curve ball, a learning curve that has taught me so many lessons, that I probably wouldn’t have learned and discovered had I not had an abortion. I can never say that I no longer regret that decision, but I can say that. (more…)
I have been pregnant for a month and I’m loving it, but I have questions and concerns.
I’m pregnant! I’m really 7 months pregnant! Its sooo hard to believe!
Where to begin? Where to begin? After reading two incredibly insightful blogs on being pregnant with twins, I began to search for more. I began this journey of being unexpectedly pregnant during years of my life that I certainly should know better.