Broken Wings
Stained glass heart, shattered again.  No one left to pick up the pieces.  No putting it back together this time… I was his angel til he ripped off my wings.. and like a god, tossed me from heaven. Not good enough to be in his presence.  I long to fly, to see love in his […]

Stained glass heart, shattered again. 

No one left to pick up the pieces. 

No putting it back together this time…
I was his angel til he ripped off my wings.. and like a god, tossed me from heaven.
Not good enough to be in his presence.  I long to fly, to see love in his eyes, but I’m fallin’ now. 

Can’t he hear me scream??  
Last thing I see is his stone-cold face watchin’ me fall into darkness
as he holds my broken wings. 

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