Brave Little Bear
Ā  I fell pregnant at 16 years old, in year 10 at a private Catholic School. Almost everyone I talked to discouraged me about carrying my babyā€”most thought the only reasonable thing to do was to have an abortion. But, acting against the advice of some around me, I chose to go ahead with my […]
StandUpGirl girl looks at book with stacks beside her

StandUpGirl girl looks at book with stacks beside her


I fell pregnant at 16 years old, in year 10 at a private Catholic School. Almost everyone I talked to discouraged me about carrying my babyā€”most thought the only reasonable thing to do was to have an abortion. But, acting against the advice of some around me, I chose to go ahead with my pregnancy.

After making my decision, I looked for inspiration from someone who had been down this path, but after searching through many book stores could find nothing. I then decided that one day if I could be a great mum and finish my education that I would write a book for other young women facing the situation of unexpected pregnancy. Now, Brave Little Bear is the book I dreamed of finding many years ago.

‘Brave Little Bear,’ follows my struggles and joys of motherhood, from the moment of conception to 13 years on. It tells of the judgement I felt from others, the loss of friends, and later, my boyfriend. It shows the perseverance I maintained as I studied through high school exams, complete with night feeds and the physical demands of motherhood. Throughout much turbulence ā€˜brave little bearā€™ tells that my most important role is that of a mother, even as a teenager.

ā€˜Brave Little Bearā€™ is my story. If you are struggling like I was, or if you are discouraged over your pregnancy, my greatest prayer is that ā€˜Brave Little Bearā€™ could give you encouragement and hope. Check out my site at Iā€™d like to help you if I could.


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