My baby was born on May 14, almost a month ago. It was a really long day. I went for an appointment and had to stay because my baby had to be born already. I was scared, they didn’t allow the baby’s father to be with me, so we were texting while I was with the doctors, but then I went out just to give him my things, it was 9 am (aprox). Now I wasn’t even allowed to keep my cell phone. We were really scared, and excited at the time. I stayed in a little room just looking around and I didn’t know when but I was sleeping. When I woke up, I was still in the same room. Sometimes, the nurse came and I asked her almost every 5 min “I’m sorry, do you what time is it?” I was so desperate, I just wanted to have my little girl… It wasn’t until 5.40 pm that I was almost going to sleep again!!! They got into the little room and I heard them but this time I didn’t open my eyes until I feel like the bed was moving, I opened my eyes and a nurse told me “We are going to surgery.”
Oh my God, now I was really awake. I realize that my baby wont be in my belly anymore, that I wouldn’t be able to take care of her. It wont depend on me anymore, and I realize anything could happened to her, I was really scared more than any time before in my life. I started crying, and I cry during the whole surgery. I could hear her crying, and the doctor put her beside me so I could gave her a kiss. She was born at 6.01pm And she went at surgery. But She couldn’t have a primary close of her gastroschisis, so now she still at hospital, waiting to have another surgery. I still scared about she going to another surgery.
She is a little happy angel. She always has a smile on her face. And I know she will make it, even when she is really little. My Valentina is now 2.290 kg and 46 cms, and really brave as her name…..