So, my dad is kicking me out of the house and trying to get me to live in a foster home or group home.
He won’t give me consent to live with the baby’s father, and he won’t even look at me. I don’t know what to do! My fiancé and I have been looking up laws and such to help us find some other way to let me live with him, but we can’t find anything!
I feel so helpless.
So….Today’s the day.
I’m telling my dad. I’m not sure how he’s going to take it…But I hope he’s not too disappointed…
So, I’m starting to feel like my boobs are going to explode! They’re soooo swollen!!!
I still haven’t told my parents, but I have told my siblings and a few close friends… I’m waiting till I stop stressing. I know I’m overthinking it but I want to be in the right mindset when I tell him, and I don’t want to look scared. I wanna be able to hold my head high, look into his eyes, and just tell him. We’ll see how long that takes.
I had a dream last night!! She was a blond baby girl!!!!! Ahhhh!!! She looked just like her daddy! She was beautiful! I want her sooo bad! She’s no bigger than a flee, and I already love her with all my heart! I know my fiancé will love her too, but not like I will… She’s growing inside me…and that’s a feeling he’ll never know…
I’m picking names at the moment. I’m thinking Lilly Alice. Eeeeee!!!! I’m so happy it’s making me need to pee!
I also really like Cody Marie too.
I have a question…My boobs are already c38…How much will they grow during pregnancy and breastfeeding?
So the random food cravings have kicked in full. All I can seem to eat is eggs, roast beef, and pickles! I hate eggs! I’m all bloated and puffy! I feel like everyone around knows!
Today, I took a loooooong nap right after school, and my fiancé got worried about me (he doesn’t usually go too long without having some sort of communication with me). So he called my dad (who wasn’t at the house) and asked if he could check on me. So I’m asleep in my room when someone knocks on my door. I scream “WHAT DO YOU WANT!??!” and he pokes his head into my room. That brought an instant smile to my face! The first thing he said was, “Hey babe, I have something for you. (pulls a fake purple rose out from behind his back). I was going to get you a bouquet, but I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to come to see you and I didn’t want them to die so, here” And then he kissed my forehead and handed me the flower. He had sprayed it with a little of his body spray so it smelled like him. He’s just the sweetest guy!!!
He’s going to make a wonderful daddy!
So I just hit 5 weeks and my fiancé started talking about how to break it to the parents. This, so far, has been the scariest part of the pregnancy.
My mom got pregnant when she was 16 and had five more kids, each two years apart, after that. So she’s constantly giving me the “no babies” talk. My dad, though I love him, is an ass. He’d kick me out in a heartbeat. My boyfriend’s mother absolutely ADORES me! She’s told me that she would take me in, and has before. He’s 18 and has a job so I’m not as worried about income as I am with school…
I’m a freshie and I go to a high school where you just DON’T get pregnant. You just don’t. No one has a kid at that school. I really don’t give a rip about what students will think so much as how I’ll be treated by my teachers. I’m not scared…yet, hahaha. I’m being as optimistic as I can be… But I need advice on everything with my parents…
How should I tell them…and also…I’m a HUGE coffee drinker…I’ve heard that it’s bad for the baby…is that true?