She’s Finally Here(My Labour Story)
Okay So…Here it goes…
I went to the doctors Monday September 17th to get my blood pressure checked because i was not feeling like myself…he checked was high they also checked me for protein in my urine and there was some so i was sent to the hospital…at the hospital they checked my blood pressure again it was still high and there was still protein in my urine…the doctor was iffy about letting me go home so they induced me…they induced me at about 10:30 pm that night…through the night i had really bad contractions i had not slept at all and the nurse said it would be best for me to have a shot of morphine and get some sleep…of course i was not going to say no to that…so that was about 6:00 am…i slept on and off almost all day and then around 1:00 pm woke up and was starting to feel the contractions again i had bad back labor so my aunt was rubbing my back…all of a sudden i felt my water break…so they checked me after that i was only 2 centimeters dilated…the contractions were coming on strong and fast so they checked me again about a half an hour after that sure enough i was 6 centimeters then they got worse so they checked me about 20 mins later i was 8 and then all of a sudden in about 10 mins i went from 8 to 10 centimeters…the next thing i knew i was pushing…they had to use the vacuum to get her out faster because she was stuck i pushed for exactly an hour…then all of a sudden everyone was yelling at me telling me to look down saying i did it they are so proud of me…they laid her on my chest and Brian and i started to cry together…she was so calm eyes wide open…the doctor checked me out and was stunned…she said “omg…You don’t need any stitches at all” everyone was stunned they didn’t know what to say :)…anyways Its finally over shes here i wouldn’t change it for the world…i love being a mom …shes my little angel…
Nevaeh Ann Correia
September 18th 2007 5lbs 13oz