My Pregnancy So Far . . .

I am 7 weeks and 5 days pregnant.

So far, I have experienced extreme “morning sickness” that lasts all day and night… I miss being able to eat… I dream about food lol! I am not able to go out anywhere, and I spend most of my time in bed… It sucks. I hope this passes soon!

I will update when new things happen!

Pregnancy Blog (4 weeks 6 days I think)

Hey everyone…

I haven’t written a blog in forever. I found out almost a week ago that I am pregnant. I am 19 years old, with the father of the baby, and we have been together for a year and a half. I love him very much and he is wonderful at supporting me emotionally and in every other way. I will be a little under a month away from 20 years old when my baby is born. If it’s a girl, we have chosen the name Lily, and if it’s a boy, we chose Sebastien. I hope everything works out. I am scared to tell my mom and dad because I was pregnant 6 months ago but lost the baby. I think she is going to be very mad… Has this happened to anyone?

Much love,