Life as it is…The unknown
Hi, I’m 26 years old…
I am always anxious about the unknown and I have this need to do well @ everything… work, varsity….and it has made me develop into this career-controlling person. However, putting a bit of a damper, or should I say slow social side…Anyway, what I’m writing about is probably very cynical seeing that I am 26 years old…I am in a relationship with a guy I simply adore and recently we had sex for the first time… i have been on the pill for a long time before and we for our first time used a condom as I am one to always wanna be overcautious bout everything…However, since then I have been driving myself into agony wondering if I was responsible enough as the last thing I want to do is fall pregnant>>Yes, I’m a bit of a late bloomer and don’t know much bout sex…However, I took it in my stride to Google for as much info as possible and I was amazed by all the mixed info I have received….Is it possible for me to still fall pregnant after taking two kinds of precautionary measures? I have been having cramps and all these funny feelings since then…Could it be I’m overanalyzing?? I thought I was ready by preparing myself with precautionary measures but now I just feel a bit stupid being 26 and not knowing much…I have amazing friends I’m sure I could ask but speaking to strangers is sometimes easier and much more comforting
Any feedback on my concern bout pregnancy will be much appreciated
Thanks in advance