so confused. please help
Hi guys,
I found out last week that I am 5 weeks pregnant. I had a miscarriage 8 months ago and was devasted, so when I found out I was pregnant again, I was over the moon. I thought my partner would be too but he isn’t. He has told me that he doesn’t want our baby, that he isn’t ready for that commitment and he wants me to get an abortion. I know that I should, that it isn’t fair to bring up a child without a father, and me not being able to give that child the best I can out of life, but why is it so hard to even think about killing it? I don’t want to get rid of my baby, but I don’t want it to have no father figure around. Please help me?
I am already in love with my child, and either way I choose, it’s going to be devastating.
🙁 🙁