Where It All Started My Story

Well i was 16 and was loving life i wasn’t the best behaved teenager i had messed around in school and left with nothing so was looking to get a job to sort my life out but what happened next changed me changed my life and my future – well it was a Friday night and me and all my mates were heading out to the’park to get drunk whilst out i met some guys never before met them me and my friend went back to the lads house while she was with one i got to no the other this ended up me in his bed with no protection the next morning we literally ran off to say the least i just thought that was that i would never see or speak to him again how wrong was i a few weeks later i realized i hadn’t come on my period but thought nothing of it two more weeks passed and that’s when me and my mates went to central youth center and I took a pregnancy test.  Positive!!!