The unspoken.
Being a young mother has its hardships and its perks, but what nobody ever really talks about, is the pressure of not looking like your peers afterwards. Of losing the baby fat, the stretch marks, and the well-known no longer perky boobs if you breastfed. It’s something that could drive you plain mad if you let it, a reminder of it everyday as you get dressed everyday. Or when somebody invites you to go swimming, you feel like the only way you can go is to wear a shirt to cover everything up. Well, that’s how I feel some days anyway. I know this probably sounds shallow or maybe even vain, but it’s just a sad thing to me that makes me wonder if this would have ever happened if I had waited till I was older and my body was more ready for this? Or if I was more responsible and took better care of my body.
Don’t get me wrong. I love my son with all my heart and could never bear to lose him, but as I watch all my friends experience life, it makes me wonder if I’m missing out or not? And what would I be doing if I had waited, but I guess we just need to live life as it is, and not dwell on the past. Let depression be pushed away by the love of our child and the love we have for them, and remember to be strong for them and to move on with life. Cherish every day that your baby is happy and healthy, and don’t take anything for granted, because it can all be taken away in a second.