there is always hope.

Soo right now, all I can do is hope.

I have a blood test in the next couple of days to see if I’m pregnant again. I’m scared…But not because I might be having a baby. I’m scared because I might not be. I didn’t want to have an abortion, but I thought I loved my ex so much that when he told me he’d leave me, I did whatever he told me to. I’m 15, but if I must say so myself, I have lived a long and hard 15 years. So I thought I might tell you some stuff about myself.  Well, I have never met my father. He left before I was born. It kind of hurts knowing how much he’s missed, but that’s his fault. When I was 12, my mum, my two brothers, and I moved to Port Macquarie NSW in Australia. I met some friends that I thought were great, but it turns out they were into some bad stuff. By the time I was 14, I was an alcoholic and was addicted to a drug called gas. I was also in government care because I was that out of control. Mum couldn’t help me anymore.

At the start of last year, I got raped. After it happened, that’s when things got worse. I was self-harming and I had no self-respect. My family moved to Brisbane and I was there alone. All I wanted was to be loved and for someone to want me, and care for me. I had a lot of older boys tell me they love me. Then as soon as they got what they wanted, they left. On the 1st of March, at 11 at night, I had my group of friends drinking on what we called the Warf. My best friend, Mitch, and his two friends left to go to a party and we stayed behind not wanting to go. At 12 o’clock, my friend came to me screaming and crying, telling me something happened to Mitch. I laughed at her and told her it wasn’t funny and walked away. The next morning, my friend and her dad who I was living with at the time came into my room. They looked very concerned. I sat up and they gave me a cup of coffee. They didn’t say anything for a while. I thought I was in trouble. Eventually, they told me something happened last night, to Mitch. He got beaten and thrown in front of a car. Mitch died that night.

As soon as I lost Mitch, I turned my life around. I now do not drink or take drugs. I’m back at my mum’s house and we have a very happy and close relationship. It was a long and hard year to get to where I am, but I had faith in myself and I knew I could change to make myself a better person for me and for everyone around me… Basically, what I’m trying to tell everyone is when I was down and had nothing, all I had left was hope, and faith in myself.  Sometimes in life, you only have yourself to rely on.

I just want you all to know, you CAN do it. I promise you that.

Updatee on pregnant or not pregnant?

So after having the abortion and then getting the Implanon put in (5 weeks ago).

My pregnancy symptoms are coming more often and at a more serious degree. Every couple of days, it gets worse. I have heard from some friends that it could just be a reaction to the Implanon, but because there is a slight change of pregnancy, I’m still being careful, because if I am, I have decided to keep it. I can’t put myself through abortion again because that’s what everyone wants me to do. It’s my body, it’s my choice!

I’m going to the doctor’s when I get back from my holiday next week Thursday. I’ll update you all on how I go!!