What followed my getting suspended from school was a remarkable four months or so…
South African schools run from January to December and I was suspended at about the end of October 1990, and Damien was due on April 6th 1991. I went to school to write my exams during the weeks that followed- but that was it. I had to wear civilian clothes because I was in disgrace and so was not allowed (more…)
I was exceptionally blessed in that my parents (and later my family)- after getting over the initial shock- were fully accepting of my pregnancy and looked forward to Damien's arrival like any grandparents would! My parents were in their late thirties at the time and so were understandably surprised! They also backed my decision not to marry my baby daddy- I wanted to finish school and study further (more…)
As he grew older I told him more- to begin with, only when he asked me a question, but slowly I'd tell him things as I remembered them. I tell him the good things and the funny things that I can remember. And my family does the same. I tell him some of the "bad" things as well so he doesn't think the man is superhuman or something! I always think of my son's father, at least (more…)
Then when Damien was about two weeks old- he called the house. I’ll never forget it- I went completely cold when I heard his voice on the line. For a split second I thought maybe he wanted to see us and make something of his role as Damien’s biological father- but he didn’t even ask after him. Or me for that matter. All he could talk about was the motorcycle his parents had given (more…)
It's been a long time coming- but I’d like to tell my whole story for all you all!
I was sixteen and a half years old. My boyfriend and I had been together for 10 months when I realised I was pregnant. I knew all about sex and babies and condoms… but I was in love! I also had a fabulous home life, so it wasn’t as if I was looking for affection that I didn&rsquo (more…)