So, I’m 3 weeks and 4 days pregnant (maybe). My boyfriend’s at camp and I’m making it through, sorta. I’m still trying to decide if I am pregnant. Because this morning, I had soccer training and we ran about 30 lengths of a football field, take or give a few if you will, and I was winded, but I wasn’t in the shape where I couldn’t do it anymore. Can a girl while she’s pregnant exercise intensely? Because I have soccer basically every day, give or take a few days and I’m not in any pain or anything, well pregnancy-wise, but still keep in mind, I’m not officially sure if I am or not.
And as for baby names, we have talked about it and if it’s a boy we’re naming him Bentley Wes, and if it’s a girl: Nevaeh Ivory 🙂 But we aren’t sure if we’re keeping the baby, even though it would be a very wise and mature decision to look into adoption. But, if I enrolled in a maternity high school or whatever they are called, we might be able to raise the baby ourselves. But then again, we’re only 14-year-olds and not parent material.
I still haven’t told my parents, I want to wait awhile and see if I actually am. Because I don’t want to tell them now and then later have it be a false alarm.
I’ll write another blog later 🙂 Tell me what you think about the names, or anything else you think would be a bright idea 🙂