are you with me?
Are you with me, baby? It feels like you are 🙂 It makes me feel safe. It makes me feel happy I want to make you proud baby, I want you to be proud of your mummy like I would be proud of you! I still get upset, but try to think that you wouldn’t […]

Are you with me, baby?

It feels like you are 🙂

It makes me feel safe. It makes me feel happy

I want to make you proud baby,

I want you to be proud of your mummy

like I would be proud of you!

I still get upset, but try to think that you wouldn’t like to see me cry.

I still think of you every second of everyday,

but I think of the good things,

like when I found out you were in my belly.

You’re in a better place now, baby, where God can look after you.

Don’t forget me baby, I will never forget you.

You will always be my first baby, mine and daddy’s first child!

I will always be your mummy,

And one day- maybe not soon but I will be with you!

Daddy will be with you!

And we can be a family again!!

I love you, forever!! (L)

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