Hi my name is katy and 21 yrs old. I am now preg with my 3rd child and happily married with my husband of 6 years. I've been reading the stories in this sight and understand these situations and want to thank Becky for her support. I was 15 when i found out i was pregnant. I was scared and not ready to be a mom i never thought about an abortion but figured since i was an athlete i would keep with my sports and hope it would disappear. But it did not turn out that way instead i got sick and sent to the hospital with my coach and soon everyone found out i was already 4 months pregnant. I was embarrassed but i figured why should i be it was with the person i loved the most my baby Jose. Five months later i gave birth to my baby girl Yessenia who looks just like her daddy Jose. If it wasnt for my husband who still stands by myside since day 1 it would have been difficult. I Love You babe! I know girls that it can be a scary thing but if u can find the support and love you can do it! Remember a Baby is an Angel and gift from God!
Blessed By Two Mothers
My two Mothers shared gifts of life and love,...