All Teenage Moms!!!!
If your a teenage mom and you think that you can't do it….YOU CAN!!! You just have to want to do it. If you keep telling yourself you can't then YOU WON'T! You have to stay POSITIVE. Yes, it is going to be hard and YES, it is going to be a LONG journey, but in […]

If your a teenage mom and you think that you can't do it….YOU CAN!!! You just have to want to do it. If you keep telling yourself you can't then YOU WON'T! You have to stay POSITIVE. Yes, it is going to be hard and YES, it is going to be a LONG journey, but in the end, it will be so WORTH IT! I know how you all feel, I've been there. Alone, Pregnant, Scared, I've lived that part and I live it everyday. But you have to take everything in stride and love the life that God gave you because he wouldn't have granted you this BLESSING if he didn't think you deserved it. So girls keep your HEAD UP and be proud of who you are. LIFE IS GOOD!!!

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