A Story Like Many Others Before Me
So i decided that in order to get over the past maybe i should write about it, so this is my story. I’m 16 years old and currently staying with my grandma as things at home deteriorated. I’m in a situation were i have to grow up fast and become an adult. I try and […]
A Story Like Many Others Before Me

So i decided that in order to get over the past maybe i should write about it, so this is my story.

I’m 16 years old and currently staying with my grandma as things at home deteriorated. I’m in a situation were i have to grow up fast and become an adult. I try and make myself believe that i am an adult but i’m really not, instead i feel like a helpless child whose scared of the dark and has been trapped in this never-ending tunnel with no light to be seen at the end of it. I want to curl up in a ball and stay there till it goes away but i cant, I am forced to stand up and face it head on and deal with any disaster life has thrown at me.ย 

I am 3 Months pregnant and due in April, some say congratulations, some scream and shout and then there are those who say nothing at all. To be honest i much prefer nothing to be said at all then for a bit longer i can almost pretend its not happening, that it was all just a dream. Don’t get me wrong i’m excited and can’t wait to hold my baby, this little bundle of innocence that will have to deal with this god-forsaken place we call earth.ย 

My partner lives half way down the country trying to save up money for the baby but i don’t think i can trust him. I love him so much and he does everything for me but lately whenever i ring he is usually high, out and about with his mates instead of job hunting. I’m scared that hes not going to pull through, that he doesn’t grow into the man he needs to be and support this baby the way it deserves. I guess i’ll find out sooner or later.

I’ve been through a lot in my life, not as much as others and probably not as bad as most but it still has affected me non the less. These past few months are what i’m going to be talking about in my story. My relationship with my mum, how i got kicked out before she even knew i was pregnant and how i have realized how hard life really is.

I don’t want people to feel sorry for me i just want to share my story and hopefully it will help others with some advice i gained along the way of this treacherous road. i Hope you enjoy reading this story i shall be writing and maybe have guidance to share with me.


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