a dream of (maybe] dha future
So I had dhisz dream dhe othuh niqht. Ironic little thinq, but I think it could be a messaqe. I was wobblin across dha street ta Applebee’s (whea muh man worksz lOl] &n& I walked in, yay, biq huqe belly &n& people just kept askin meh how far alonq I was &n& dha due date. […]

So I had dhisz dream dhe othuh niqht. Ironic little thinq, but I think it could be a messaqe.

I was wobblin across dha street ta Applebee’s (whea muh man worksz lOl] &n& I walked in, yay, biq huqe belly &n& people just kept askin meh how far alonq I was &n& dha due date. Dhen it skipped to when I was in labor. My boyfriend was spazzin out when he seen dha babys head <3 . Dhen it skipped up aqain ta whean we was takin our first trip ta kindergarden, walkin into dha classroom, full of toys &n& wat not .

 &n& quess what !!!


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