am i ?

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  • #8515

      hiya im hoping you can help! my period is 9 days late i had unprotected sex with my fiance nearly 3 weeks ago. I was on the pill for 4 years until 3 months ago when i was getting migrains so i was advised by my gp to come off it. since then ive had 2 periods at the exact right time of my calculations untill now could i be pregnant??
      I have dull aching in the lower part of my back but no other syptoms. please give me some advice thankyou 🙂


        from what i know of birth control pills, it normally takes a few months for your body and its ovulation cycle to return to normal. you may have ovulated at around the normal time that ovulation should occur for you when you’re not on the pill, but chances are that since your body is still trying to adjust to not having to take the pills ovulation may not even have occurred that month. the best thing to do in any case if you’re uncertain is to just wait until about a week after your missed period and take a pregnancy test. this will give you some insight as to whether or not you may be pregnant. good luck 🙂 and let me know how things go.

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