Is pregnancy possible without intercourse?

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    Now i know this seems like a stupid question, but is it possible to become prgnant without having intercourse? My health teacher has told us that it was, becuase semen can be on the outside of the labia and enter the vagina through discharge, and then swim upwards into the uterus and fertilize an egg. I am really scared that i might be pregnant because i am almost a week and a half late. Track just started, and athletics usually throw my period off, due to loss of body fat (i am a pretty smal girl) but generally, i start earlier! I have never had sex, but i do mess around with my boyfriend with only underwear on, and I am just terrified becuase i’m only a junior in high school. My best friend just had a baby last month, and i admire her for being so strong, but her son Hayden is the ONLY baby i want in my life right now! what do you think? Am I just being paranoid? Should i just wait it out for a little while longer or runout and buy a test?


    YES pregnancy is DEFINITELY possible without intercourse. Your health teacher is absolutely right. In fact, it’s more common for girls to get pregnant through NOT having sex than it is from girls having sex! (I can’t remember who told me that, or where I heard it….but I believe it)

    You’re not being paranoid. I’d go get a test. Doing severely physically active things can hurt the baby….

    Good luck!


    Jessica its nikki-
    Now i know this seems like a stupid question, but is it possible to become prgnant without having intercourse? My health teacher has told us that it was, becuase semen can be on the outside of the labia and enter the vagina through discharge, and then swim upwards into the uterus and fertilize an egg. I am really scared that i might be pregnant because i am almost a week and a half late. Track just started, and athletics usually throw my period off, due to loss of body fat (i am a pretty smal girl) but generally, i start earlier! I have never had sex, but i do mess around with my boyfriend with only underwear on, and I am just terrified becuase i’m only a junior in high school. My best friend just had a baby last month, and i admire her for being so strong, but her son Hayden is the ONLY baby i want in my life right now! what do you think? Am I just being paranoid? Should i just wait it out for a little while longer or runout and buy a test?:(


    if you cant wait it out, anothor week.. go by a test it will satisfy you.. and athletics do make your periiod screwed whether its late or early.. yes pregnancy can happen without sex., its rare but has been known to happen… i heard sperm die within 2 sec of touching the air.. but idk… be careful.

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