I dont know what to do

by | 2010 | Real Stories

Ive been pregnant but lost it before the1st scan which me and my partner was devastaed about. Now after that i just want a baby, just knowing something was growin inside me made me feel happy and all that but now i feel lost and my partner just wants a baby aswell but we are worried about […]

Ive been pregnant but lost it before the1st scan which me and my partner was devastaed about. Now after that i just want a baby, just knowing something was growin inside me made me feel happy and all that but now i feel lost and my partner just wants a baby aswell but we are worried about what our parents will say and ive been told if i get pregnant ill be kicked out of the house so i really dont know what to do.  I know how to look after a baby because when i was 8 i had to look after my sister after she was born and now and again we help look after his baby sister that just makes me want a baby even more. I seriously dont know what to do  x

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