am i ?
been feeling sick laitley..blah monster headache fml randome mood changes like ever 5 mins! schools giong alright not perfect but whatever. still with the boyfriend having a little bit of problems laitley tho mostley that im freaking on him alot more lol i no i shouldnt be but w.e hormones what do you expect my sence […]

been feeling sick laitley..blah monster headache fml randome mood changes like ever 5 mins! schools giong alright not perfect but whatever. still with the boyfriend having a little bit of problems laitley tho mostley that im freaking on him alot more lol i no i shouldnt be but w.e hormones what do you expect my sence of smell is like crazy its very odd everthing smells different some stuff more descusting then i remebered ahha/ any preg symptoms in there ? or any u no of that i might experience msg me ! xo have a great night everyone

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