I tried to find any site possible to help me with my situation. I need total support and advice. To come across Stand Up Girl, I am certainly amazed and thankful to see a site that helps girls of any age with a situation of becoming a mother, working together and giving support to each other. It’s a wonderful idea and I really need help now more than ever.
I am 17 turning 18 next week. I should have gotten my period last Wednesday but it never showed. It’s been a week today and still nothing. I had no cramps either up until this week but two weeks ago, my nipples were extremely sensitive and still are. With my regular periods every 28 days usually, I always get cramps a week before and my lower back hurts and I’m bloated and my whole boob just aches. This made me terribly confused with my body lately because just my nipples hurt and now I’m getting slight cramps plus feeling bloated. I feel faint every once in awhile as well. My boyfriend is scared and really thinks I am. I honestly don’t know what to do. This is very unexpected…
Turning 18 for my birthday, I was going to get my license and look for a car and start school at a community college this Summer. I have no job, and neither does my boyfriend. I’m scared to disappoint my parents and not being able to come up with money as well. Not being able to care for myself, how would I care for another person? My boyfriend and I really don’t want to do abortion but it looks like we are going to have too. But we both agreed we would feel guilty and I honestly don’t know if I can do it. Adoption, I honestly can’t think of my baby being out there some where with another family and me knowing my first born is not being cared for by his or her’s real mother and father. I really would love to keep this baby. But I don’t want to be a bad mother, I don’t have the money and I don’t want to be a bad daughter either. If anyone can help me with experiences and suggestions, I really would appreciate it.
Going to the health clinic this week to take a free test.