
by | 2009 | Real Stories

The father of my children recently got in a car reck with 4 of his friends: Shep- is home but still not himself, Enaja- lemping and not himself, David- broke his arm, Benjamin- brain deaad, not doing good at all, might not make it………………………… And Ivan broke his neck and killed the lady he ran into………im […]

The father of my children recently got in a car reck with 4 of his friends:

Shep- is home but still not himself, Enaja- lemping and not himself, David- broke his arm, Benjamin- brain deaad, not doing good at all, might not make it………………………… And Ivan broke his neck and killed the lady he ran into………im so scared! i hope every one is ok i know i waont be able to raise our children with out him stable!!!!! I NEED HELP!

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