Preg????? Need Help

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  • #28294

    Hi everyone,

    My period is all over the place (i.e it does not happen on a set date)…I also have this feeling that i cannot have a baby because me and my boyfriend have been trying to have a baby but can’t so far..however, for the past 2 weeks i felt my boobs kind of heavy and paintful like it is full but the thing is i saw my period this week but it is kind of light than the usual bleedings….am i preg????? not sure and i need advice…..


    My fiance & I have been trying for almost 6 months with no luck because (I’m guessing) my periods are also irregular. They’re starting to regulate now, though.
    My advice is get a test, or just go straight to the doctor and have them do a blood test. Good luck 🙂

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