Yea,i think im Pregnant…

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    Okay,i posted a while back how i thought me and my boyfriend were pregnant,turns out,we weren’t.Now,I’m like 60percent positive that i am..if that makes sense.Nothing but nausea lately,sore boobs and my period is 3 days late,which is really not normal for me.I was on birth control,so no protection was used.But i was kinda thinking maybe its late cause its just the first month that i was on the pill and my body isn’t quite used to it yet?I’m not sure…but my hugest problem is telling my boyfriend if i am pregnant.Recently,he decided to go into the marines.He won’t be fighting,but he’ll be training and such.He’ll be out of state for 7 months.and I’m scared to tell him if i am cause i don’t want him to NOT want to be in the marines anymore.And we’re both against abortion.and i know him well enough to know that if i am,he would want to me alongside me every step of the way.Which isn’t a bad thing,but I think its amazing that he wants to be in the marines and i don’t want a baby to make him feel like he HAS to put aside his future.
    With the dates and all calculated,once he gets back from training,i would be due in a month and a half.So it isn’t like he wouldn’t be in our baby’s life,cause he would.I know it would be hard without the dad with me through the pregnancy,but he has a wonderful family that supports us so much and I’m kinda hoping that it wont be as difficult with his family behind and supporting me all the way through the pregnancy.
    My other issue is telling my parents.but i guess I’ll cross that bridge when i find it.After i take the test and find out for sure and after i see what the daddy and i decide.

    Any thoughts?Advice?Anything?


    hey erykimed,
    first i would advise you to actually take a HPT and see if you are or not. if you are then i can offer some advice as far as the whole Marine thing goes. MY husband and i had this exact thing happen. we were still in high school when we had our daughter, but he chse to go into the Marine corps right out of high school. our daughter was only 14mon. at the time. granted he was just like your bf , absolutely wanted to be with me the whole way and help me any way possible, BUT i had to remind him that 1) our daughter was still young enough that him being gone she would be ok and wouldnt really totally understand and 2) if he had stayed with me just to be by my side what in the world would be have done for our future??? him joining the Marine was hard yes but it bettered our future and helped him provide for him family.. boot camp will be the hardest for him most just need to encourage him that its for your future and if you are pregnant its for your baby 🙂 . he doesnt “need” to be there during the pregancy part if he is going ot boot right now. he will be out and in MOS school by the time your due. or maybe out of it! 🙂 let me know how it goes . if you have any other questions im here 🙂 we have only been in the USMC for about 2 years but ive been through what your about to experience exactly! love to you and ill be praying!


    i’m just kind of scared to tell him i think i am,cause like i said,i know he would want to drop everything and be there for me.but if i just flat out tell him with out him even knowing that i thought i was,he would be shocked really.
    But yes,i’ll take the test as soon as i can so i can know for sure!

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