How do i break it down nicely to my Partner

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    [color=#FF40BF]hey everyone i am new hello!..i was just wondering if anyone could help me well i found out 2days ago im pregnant for the second time the last time i was pregnant i had an abortion but this time i feel i want to keep the baby..the problem is so does my partner in a way but we aint rich so money is a big problem for us when were going to bring up a i think my partner is just scared and i totally understand that but do you think there is anyway i can re-ashore him that keeping the baby is the right thing and that if i get a job we can support our baby also there is alot of help out there..i know it takes men a little more time to adjust to things lol..unlike us girls but last time we both regretted the abortion abit and i think this time is our chance to do things right..but how can i let him know that with out getting him too worried any advice would be very much appreciated


    Get transitional assistance -help with money-… Also most money problems are temporary.


    Just let him know that there are plenty of ways to get help goverment assistence being one of them until yall can get on ur feet financally good luck with whatever decision you make 🙂 hopfully pro life


    In most cases I would recommend being financially stable before the fact… but I realize that isn’t very practical. There are many couples out there ttc who are not financially stable and are walking into it not realizing the expenses that accompany a child. My husband and I have been ttc for over a year now with no luck due to low sperm count. During that time we have been saving money for when the day does come that we have a child (plus IVF is expensive). However… there are a lot of government assistance programs out there for moments just like this. If I was you, I would find out about assistance that is available in your area, find out some details about it and what qualifications you have to meet and present them to your partner. 😆

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