so confused, this didn’t happen with my first :S

HOME Hot Topics Girl Zone Pregnancy Questions and Symptoms so confused, this didn’t happen with my first :S

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    [color=#FF0040]hi, my names is charlotte, i am 19 years old. i used this site a lot when i was pregnant with my first, ella who is now 7 months old πŸ™‚ and it helped me so much, so thought i’d try using all of your help again πŸ™‚

    now here’s the thing, me and my partner knew we wanted another baby njot far apart from ella. no luck until a few months ago when i thought i was pregnant… miss one period then got one the second month (just before christmas) so it’s only been about 2 weeks from my last eriod but the other day i started spotting, thought it was my period coming early coz of stress or something, but then it stopped the day after and nothing since.

    anyone have any idea of whats going on? this didn’t happen with ella, think maybe it might of been implantation bleeding. this is new to me and just want ideas on what it could be. and when can i take a test for it to be accurate?

    thanks in advance πŸ™‚

    love from charlotte, matty, baby ella & possible *bump no.2*

    ..x.. ..x.. ..x.. [/color]


    It could be from where the egg is implanting, but you never know till you take a test. Some girls actually bleed there entire pregnancy and don’t think they are pregnant. The best advice I can give you is to just take a test.


    when is the earliest i can take a test tho? i’m due for my period on 23rd jan πŸ™‚

    thanks for the help!!

    love from charlotte, matty, baby ella & possible *bump no.2*

    ..x.. ..x.. ..x..


    Try and take one if you miss your period. If it is negative, try taking another one a week after you miss your period if you still do. Good luck.


    It could be the implantation bleeding but at the same time it could be something else. I’ve spotted before 2 weeks after my period when I wasn’t pregnant. Its best to get a test tho if you miss your period.


    thanks, that’s what i was thinking i’d do. well i’m due on the 23rd jan, so if i don’t get my period then i will test then.

    i’ll keep you all updated tho πŸ™‚

    love from charlotte, matty, baby ella and possible *bump no.2*

    ..x.. ..x.. ..x..


    [color=#FF0040]i was due for my period on the 23rd jan, took a test the day after… as figured it was negative.

    it’s now a week later tho and still no period. been having cramps last few days and thought maybe this was stretching making room for the baby. been super tired, having 2-3 hour naps every afternoon, been peeing a lot more. being having really bad backache last few weeks as well. i know these are all signs.

    gonna test again tommorow… so will keep everyone updated πŸ˜€ xx[/color]


    [color=#FF0040]hey girls πŸ™‚

    took a test this morning, and got a faint positive πŸ™‚

    gonna go docs on monday so will update onb what the doc says πŸ˜€

    i’m so excited atm, trying not to get my hopes up too much till monday tho πŸ™‚

    love from charlotte, matty, ella & *bump no.2* πŸ˜€

    ..x.. ..x.. ..x.. ..x..[/color]


    Good luck girl, I wish you the very best. (: Let me know how the doctors appointment goes!


    Char4Matt_Forever wrote:

    [color=#FF0040]i was due for my period on the 23rd jan, took a test the day after… as figured it was negative.

    it’s now a week later tho and still no period. been having cramps last few days and thought maybe this was stretching making room for the baby. been super tired, having 2-3 hour naps every afternoon, been peeing a lot more. being having really bad backache last few weeks as well. i know these are all signs.

    gonna test again tommorow… so will keep everyone updated πŸ˜€ xx[/color]

    Hey babe, i’m now having the exc same symptoms.
    super tired and all.
    but my period was due on the 25th of jan instead.
    took my test on the 31st of jan and was a neg result.
    i dont know what to do! i nv missed any periods.
    so.. ur preg now right?

    When is the best time to check again?


    i tooka test just after i missed my period, and then tested again just over a week after, the first one was neg and ive done 2 since then that were positive πŸ™‚ best thing to do is wait a week or so and test again, if it’s still neg and you still don’t get your period then go to the doctors. then can do more accurate tests πŸ™‚ good luck xx

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