My life as a young mum.

by | 2008 | Real Stories

I had a baby at 16 and so many people looked down on me. I was lucky though, i had supportive parents, supportive partner and his parents. But what i didn't do is what the media says all 'Teenage mums' do. Nothing. My son is now three and i am doing my A levels in […]

I had a baby at 16 and so many people looked down on me. I was lucky though, i had supportive parents, supportive partner and his parents. But what i didn't do is what the media says all 'Teenage mums' do. Nothing.

My son is now three and i am doing my A levels in Psychology, English Literature, Sociology, Photography and IT.

Don't ever let anybody tell you that you have ruined your life, that you will be stuck at home and have a dead end job!!!

There are so many opportunities out there for young parents – not just mums, young dads too- All those that looked down on me and said i was stupid & would never get anywhere life have given me the drive to better myself. I want to go to uni, get a good job and throw it in all the faces of those that doubted me!!!

Don't ever let anyone tell you that you cannot do something, we all have the capability to succeed.

If you are ever feeling down or somebody has upset you, take a glance at the beautiful baby that you have and how happy they are, kids are the best thing in the world EVER!!!

x x x x x x

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