maybe pregnant again

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    ive been pregnant before but i found out i lost the baby in december ive been having the same symptoms again but much stronger this time i went to the docs yesterday an they took a blood test she said shes almost 100% sure im pregnant again but last nite i noticed a very light brown discharge and im worried something is wrong can any1 give me any advice?????????


    It’s sounds to me like you should definitely give your doctor a call. No one can diagnose a miscarriage online so getting to the person who knows you and can see you will give you some peace of mind!

    Best of luck!!! It’s probably nothing but when you’re pregnant it’s best to get things checked out.


    thanks i have to fone for results anyways but the pregnancy tests never work on me i just hope the blood one will


    That could just be implantation bleeding, so it’s typically no need to worry. As always, if you’re concerned give your doctor a call. They can always clear your mind.


    My name is Sue, I’m a registered nurse with lots of experience. Did your doc do a urine pregnancy? A U-Preg test is very accurate within a week of missing your period, so this needs to be done. If not, it should take only an hour to get a serum (blood) preg test back. So, it should be fairly easy to find out whether or not you’re pregnant. Sometimes other things might mimic pregnancy signs. I would not worry about a bit of brown spotting. Even if you are pregnant, this is quite normal in a lot of pregnant women. Brown usually means old blood. I would not worry. If there is a foul odor and/or pain I would see your doc.
    So, first find out whether you are pregnant or not. Stop guessing as you’ll only get stressed out. If you are pregnant and start bleeding like a period, or cramping, call your doc right away. A little brown spotting is usually OK (it might be a bit of old blood from your last cycle and it may mean you’re about to have your period again).
    Take care and good luck!

    DiAZZZ 26 weeks

    The cirvex has very sensitive blood vessles durring pregnancy & it is very easy for it to bleed. But call your doctor to make sure & dont stress yourself out cause if you are pregnant again that is bad for the baby. i hope i helped a little. good luck:)

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