got that “feeling”

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  • #23356

    false alarm


    My advice would be to not freak yourself out until you take the test. Although I strongly believe gut feelings are usually right. If you are pregnant you are in an ok situation in my mind. Sure it’s not going to be a walk in the park but it is entirely do able. You will be preg for 9 months only leaving another 9 months for school (you said a year and a half left). You can wing it you will be pregnant in school and then once you have the baby you can put the child in daycare. If you have to you can use student loans or try to save up money before the baby comes to cover it. So keep your chin up you have come a long way. Best of luck. Jessica


    Hi! I am sorry that you are going through this, but I want you to know that if you are pregnant it isnt the end of the world. You can still finish school, and still have a life, just in a different way. My husband is in the marines, he was deployed one month before our daughter way born, he was supposed to be out that month instead they extended his contract without his consent. It is SOOOO hard to be a military wife and i hate every minute of it. He wont be home until march, and i am very angry. You can make it without the marines, make sure your finace understands how horrible it will be to be away from you AND a baby. Make sure he knows that you need him now more than ever, and help eachother achieve your goals even with a baby. Good luck.


    thanks for the responses. they made me feel a lot better. but fortunately i think it was probably just really bad pms and my period was getting a slow start. i cant really say for sure if i am in the clear but i am much less worried now. Thanks!


    well, I’m glad that you are less worried now. 🙂


    I know what you mean about having that feeling. I had that feeling all during the month of November, even though I had a ‘period’ during the month. In my gut, I feel as if I was pregnant. But now……I’m not so sure. I know I am posting a few days late, sorry, just found the site. But I wish you luck. And remember, nothing is impossible. What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger. 🙂

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