this may sound very strange, but i gotta know. i have a doctor’s appointment on saturday for a sonogram, but it has allready been a week since i found out i was pregnant. i want to know about how far along i am. weird i know, but the suspense is killing me. with my first child i had NO symptoms until about 7 months, other than a belly, lol, but i did not start showing until i was 3 months, and i still had my period twice before i found out i was 2 and 1/2 months pregnant. but some of the things i have noticed in my symptoms are very sore breasts, constipation, gasy, hunger, sleepiness, and sleeplessness. but it all start about 3-4 weeks ago, but when i try the preg calculators they all say due around april 20. how good of an idea is it to go by your last period if you have been pregnant before and had 2 during. also, and this may be my immagination, but my belly is allready poking out a little, i do have a lot of scar tissue from a c-section and a laproscopy so i am think that may be causing it, but i could be wrong. any suggestions on these symptoms?
ps. i could not sleep for 3 nights because the heartburn had me in tears, i am allmost afraid to eat anything