It can be a normal post partum reaction, I had "withdrawals" after I had my first, I even had the phantom kicks where I felt something kicking me and moving and yet I was looking at my daughter at the same time knowing that there was not another one in there, I say give it some more time for your hormones to cool back down, get used to and adjusted to having the one and take it slow, if you are ready to commit to having a bigger family then look into committing to marriage before you add to the one you already have…I would definitely wait a while and make sure that you are up to speed with all the changes of having one because going from one to two was like hitting a brick wall for me, it really is a HUGE difference, I am freaking out now about having one more than I have arms now…my daughter was 2 1/2 when my son was born and she was at the age where she could help me by handing me a diaper or throwing something away but I have had friends who have kids really close together and it can be a lot harder on you to have 2 that are fully dependent on you….take your time and enjoy your son and make sure your relationship is strong and unmoved by the changes of having one before you bring another one along…Love Meg