With two positive tests I would say it is safe to say you are 100% pregnant… Congratulations to you for being thoughtful to stop drinking and smoking, that is hard to do sometimes…every woman and every pregnancy is different so some people like my sister can get a positive test two days after conception and people like me can get a positive test after several weeks, you just may be the type to show up early on tests…call this number, 1-800-395-HELP, it is a place called Optionline, they can give you a number and location of the closest pregnancy resource center to you where you can get your test confirmed and they can get you the resources you need to get on medical,WIC, and help you through the transition of being just you to being Mommy…we are all here for you on Standupgirl too and never forget that…talk to you soon and let us all know how things progress…Love Meg, meg@standupgirl.com