Sorry to be the one to tell you this but morning sickness can come and go…it sucks I know…I am going on 24-25 weeks and I still feel like throwing up some days…the further along you get though the less it should bother you, most women at least…some people stay sick up until birth and others are never sick at all, but I have heard that when you are super sick it just means that your hormone levels are thriving and that is what makes you sick but it also means that you have a healthy thriving baby inside of you and that is good…with my last pregnancy (my son is 3 now) I started getting sick again early in my third trimester, I started noticing that when I threw up it had a very familiar taste…cucumbers, I stopped eating cucumbers and I quit getting sick…the same with watermelon, I think it was the seeds because that is what was coming up a lot…if you notice that there is a traceable taste try to pin point it and stop eating what it tastes like, it could be a certain food…when you are pregnant your chemistry changes and you can sometimes love to eat things you normally hate and also your body will tend to not like the things that are your favorite… anyways make sure that if you are throwing up more than 2-3 times a day that you tell your doctor, they can sometimes give you medicine to help so that you don’t dehydrate yourself by throwing up too much, that happened to me with my first two pregnancies and I had to go in and get re-hydrated with an IV…try to eat small snacks throughout the day rather than big meals and drink tons of water and also some gatoraide to keep your electrolytes at a good level…other than that you will just have to wait it out, just make sure if you have ANY concerns that you tell your doctor,it is always better to be safe than sorry and if you are too sick and throwing up too much then you are not going to be as healthy…we want you and baby to stay healthy and so does your doctor…take care and I hope you start feeling better soon…Love Meg