trying to get pregnant

by | 2007 | Real Stories

hi, I'm trying to get pregnant. Ihad a stabbing pain in my lower left side just below my hip, is this ovulation? ( Dec 9/07) and i've been having mild cramps on my left side and my abdomen, on Dec 13,14,15 2007 could this be Implantation? I had 2 kids and i never had these […]

hi, I'm trying to get pregnant. Ihad a stabbing pain in my lower left side just below my hip, is this ovulation? ( Dec 9/07) and i've been having mild cramps on my left side and my abdomen, on Dec 13,14,15 2007 could this be Implantation? I had 2 kids and i never had these signs before. could i be pregnant. my last period was on Nov 25/07 can you help

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