hiya, im so sorry for all you have been through! i havent had an abortion but i know people who have and what it does to them, i did have an ovarian cyst and believe me your lucky they know about in time, i was taken into hospital with appendicitis, it wasn’t until i had the operation that they found an ovarian cyst the size of a tennis ball, i had to hav reconstructive surgery on my ovary and have a scar the same as a ceserean across my bikini line, by knowing that you have a cyst early they can treat it with medication, im sure u will be fine, and remember you will have a baby when it is the right time i believe everything in life happens for a reason.
and also stop trying for a baby so hard, i know it sounds silly but the more you try the less chances you have just enjoy the intimate time with your partner and see what happens, best of luck to you x