Implantation Bleeding

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    What does implantation bleeding look like and how heavy is it? Does it vary woman to woman? Im really REALLY hoping im being paranoid and that its just a sign of my period arriving soon (strange) but when i wiped this afternoon after going to the toilet, there was a couple of pink spots on the paper. I have had some cramping also. My period is due though it has been known to play-up in the past. My cycle is anywhere from 28-35 days. Im on the pill, but even in the past when i was on it, my period didnt always come when it was supposed too. I do not have any pregnancy symptoms, except being tired which i have been since my daughter was born. I didnt get any symptoms with her until i was 5 weeks.
    HELP??!! Could somebody please tell me i have no reason to worry?


    hey…thought i would tell people that i have taken 3 tests over the last 24 hrs. All positive but with a pale line – i figure thats because im early in pregnancy (at least thats what the last test instructions said).


    it does vary.. i had the bleeding with Skye but not Jordan. Have you been to the doctors?
    Could be ur period coming by those signs. Let us know what happens

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