So sick

by | 2007 | Real Stories

I'm 3 weeks preggers with my 2nd child. I'm have been getting horrible morning sickness. It's been hard doin it alone. I stay home with my son while my boyfriend is at work. He doesn't come home until 11:30 everynight. So i get to deal with the regular things (laundry, cleaning, cooking, my son….the pregnancy) […]

I'm 3 weeks preggers with my 2nd child. I'm have been getting horrible morning sickness. It's been hard doin it alone. I stay home with my son while my boyfriend is at work. He doesn't come home until 11:30 everynight. So i get to deal with the regular things (laundry, cleaning, cooking, my son….the pregnancy) it's all alittle overwhelming. But w'ell make it thru.

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