hi i am new here and have just registered:)
i was wondering if anyone could help me.
ok i had my last p in june (it ended on the 2nd july) which to my calculations makes me about a week late!!!!
i had a bit of bleeding about 2 weeks ago when i went to the toilet but it was just the once and wasnt even a teaspoon amount. i have had nothing since.
i have had stomach cramps ever since then like period pains which i had for the whole first 3 months when pregnant with my son.
i also feel very tired all the time (even though i have just come back from my 2 weeks honeymoon)
i feel sick sometimes but not been sick, (i didnt have that with first pregnancy)
but i have also been ill with a stinker of a cold for the last few weeks that i just cant shift, and i have terrible back ache:(
the things is i did tests wed and thurs last week and one today and all negative.
when i was preganant with my son i did two tests that came up negative and then did a test when i was about 5 weeks that came up possitive.
i know i should go to my doctors but feel like i should leave it a bit longer, and dont really like my doctor.
i just hate not knowing it is all i can think about, i would love to be pregnant.
if anyone could give me ur thoughts i would really appreciate it. tytyty xxx