Uh oh, sounds bad. This is my advice too you, DON’T GO OVERBOARD!! That meaning don’t start harassing him with jealousy and supsicion, that’ll drive him mental, if you gotta do some snooping then do it discreetly but don’t push him to the point where he can’t handle your constant suspicion, especially if he’s done nothing wrong. If it becomes painfully obvious that something is up, maybe confront him, but not in an intimidating or aggressive way, that’ll just make him aggressive right back. Don’t take immediate action until you are positive, believe me though it is hard, I have to bite my tongue when my boyfriend hugs his 3 year old daughters Momma and they say I love you too eachother when they leave. It hurts to hear but I know for a fact he’s not out having a secret affair with her or something ridiculous, it’s simply the way things work between them and I have to appreciate that. Anyways, approach this situation with extreme caution, don’t provoke an unnecassary attack unless things become obvious. Then again, it all depends on your own situation. Good luck